Contact us
Susannah Lanier
Candler County 4-H Agent
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension
1075 E. Hiawatha Street
Suite B
Metter, GA 30439
(912) 685-2408

Candler County 4-H
Welcome To The Candler County 4-H Page!
4-H is proud to be a partner of the public school system! We are working together to make the best better in Candler County! Our colors are Green and White and our motto is "To Make the Best Better" .
This year in 4-H we have lots of exciting opportunities for the 4-H'ers planned! We will be entering mini booths at the Statesboro Fair, we will be competing in Project Achievement Contests, and we will be learning a lot in our club meetings each month. We hope that soon you will see what we already know "4-H is Amazing!"
Our Pledge:
I Pledge my Head to clearer thinking, My Heart to greater loyalty,
My Hands to larger service, and
My Health to better living, for my club, my community,
my country and my world!