Contact us
Media Center:
912-685-5050, Ext 0436
Miranda Thigpen
Media Specialist
Tami Wallace
Summer Program:

Register your infant or toddler for FERST Readers Candler to receive an age appropriate book and parents guide for free each month until the child’s fifth birthday. Registration forms are available at the Metter K-8 School Front office as well as the Metter- Candler County Public Library. Registration Forms can be mailed to PO Box 1327 Madison, GA 30650 or returned to the Metter K-8 School/ Metter/ Candler County Public Library. Online registration is currently unavailable in Candler County.
Activity Sheets
Look for these at our local restaurants and businesses. Submit a photo of your child’s completed activity sheet along with your contact information to metterchamber@gmail.com to enter the monthly drawing!